Kututup catatan Harian Rapunzel untuk tahun 2016.
"Hey... bisakah pelangi hanya berwarna hitam dan putih?" Tanyanya pada seorang gadis yang duduk sambil merajut.
"Apa?" Gadis itu menghentikan sulamannya yang hampir selesai. Ia mulai memandangi bocah itu. Pakaiannya lusuh, ingin sekali dicubit pipi bocah itu karena pertanyaannya, namun ia urung.
"Bisa! kenapa tidak." Sebenarnya, gadis itu ragu, namun ia tak sanggup meredupkan binar-binar di mata bocah itu.
"Benarkah? dengan cara apa? dan saat kapan? Bukankah pelangi selalu berwarna-warni?" Bocah itu menengadahkan wajahnya ke langit. Ia kembali melihat gadis itu, menunggu jawabannya.
Gadis itu tidak berbicara lagi. Ia menyampaikannya dengan cara yang lain. Bocah itu hanya memerhatikan gerak-gerik sang gadis menggerakkan kedua tangannya, lalu membentuk sebuah gambar hati, melirik bocah itu melalui celah jari-jemarinya kemudian menyentuh bocah itu.
"Ada di sini, dan di sini. Buatlah warna pelangimu."
Bocah itu tidak mengerti sepenuhnya, namun melihat jari-jemari sang gadis yang membentuk hati, ia segera tahu satu hal. Bocah itu pergi meninggalkan sang gadis, mengejar pelangi dan dua warna yang diinginkannya.
I've known you for a week, see part by part of you, there is a good shape, a best spot, a new culture, many different people, walking everyday, see the train, getting many friends, and the dream has come true. I've fall in love into you since my foot touch you, my eyes look the sky around you. But, it becames an unfogetable memories, Sydney 04 Dec 2016
For three days, we were joining the training from Terrapiin. Our trainer is Miss Chyonne Kreltshen, graduated from LLBH (Hons), BSc (Monash University). here to know her more :)
She has taught us about leadership. It was my best experience ever in learning for the first time in abroad. We were taught by different method, cause of that among member of EduHol, we know closer each other. And the most important one is "what something that we got in that training". I dont know what is and how all about leadership, even knowing myself. But in that training, she was explaining about it even help us to know ourself. There was an interesting thing that i got. First, is the time. In Aussie and most of advanced country won't let us come late in the class. In there, we learn more about time and dicipline. First day, we came late, but after that, we didn't do that anymore.
She taught us using learning, one fantastic thing that make me excited is, we understand what she said, i know its so hard to make people understand in different language cauze some of us didnt speak english fluently, but her method was very great. Less theory more practic and interact each other individual or in groups.
In the third days, it was great momet. Chyonne asked us to tell our dream, what thing that encourage us to having dream, what is the achievement that we want, what kind of emotion that will support us, that feeling of emotion must be controlled, and when we finished drawing our dream on the big paper, telling it in front of class one by one, suddenly all of us keep silent, listening a friend who speaking. I cant forget in that time. One of my friend telling her dream. Her name is Rahmah from Kendari. I never know how hard her life before, one thing that make so proud of her is about her dream, her life that still keep survive, keep learning, all of her pain was be an encouragement that motivated her to having dream, be a professor, continue her school in Hardvard University.
She was crying, and all of us crying. Miss Chyonne said that, its okay. Telling our dream will take much our energy cause its not easy to say, no matter we said the truth, we pour out our heart and it will make us better.
One by one from us telling our dream. In that time, i learn many things. I realize that not only me in this world having pain inside my heart, feeling lonely, separated by my parent, but i looked them, they have same pain with me. Thalia, Bahit, Hafiz, Nadya, Desi, Yoghi, Iranti, Valen, Shella, Shofa, Sita, Rahmah, Maya (kak Incees), Afif, Zefanya, Adenof, Adhita, Fanny, Ade Rizki, Nur Anisa, and Raswan. Is that stopped our dream? No! All that pain has beacome a reason why we dream. I miss you guyss. I've learned so much from you. And we miss you Miss Chyonne :)
It was great experience ever! Visiting Sydney,explore it, visiting many places like Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, shopping at the Rock Market and Paddys Market, visiting Bondi beach and Manly Beach, spending times at Hyde Park, sightseeing, and having lunch and different in many restaurant and many more. We were learning together, laughing,crying, and sharing. It was best moment for making friends.
The last place that we visited is University Technology of Sydney and La Perouse. I've fall in love to that place and hoping to come back there, making new experiences.
Finally, it becames unforgettable memories in my life, has a much meaning for me that this year Allah has given to me a best surprise. Many things has come and go, but one thing that never go...is A HOPE.
All this experiene has privided by TELKOMSEL with their program "EDUCATION HOLIDAY GOEST TO SYDNEY". Two thums is not enough, all you served to us and make this program was the great program ever! Thanks TELKOMSEL for this experience. We're not only using internet and spending money, but cause of that we're more connected to other, faster, economic and having much interesting event which more and more educatif.
Imma waitin' ya for the next event, my best support, be success always. Telkomsel memang paling Indonesia.
First pic was taken at pixabay.com